Improv Game Friday: Back in my day...

Creating one-liners

Line games are a genre of improv exercise that involve players quickly creating punchlines to short jokes. It epitomizes the ‘one-liner’ you often see in media.

Simple game = quick fun.

There are tons of formats for line games. One favorite is: Back in my day…


  • Work on quick-thinking to rationalize your punchline


  1. One player will pick a word for the group to begin.

  2. Anyone can begin by saying: “Back in my day, we didn’t have [word], instead we [punchline].

    • Note: Players can go in any order! Be courteous of others.

  3. Take turns making punchlines until you have exhausted the word. Then you can pick a new ‘subject’ word and play again.

    • Stop whenever you want! Improv games tend to have flexible rules.


Let’s say our word is: apartment buildings.

“Back in my day, we didn’t have apartment buildings, instead we built small huts out of sticks.”

The above is a pretty one-to-one replacement for apartments. You can also go wild with creative replacements:

“Back in my day, we didn’t have apartment buildings — we only had sprawling estates. It was a lot more space but cleaning the entire mansion was horrid.”

Appropriate for

Casual settings — you want people laughing and comfortable together

🕰️ Time to play

5-15 minutes

👨‍👩‍👦 Group size

Best for: 2 to 8 people

Try playing this game at the office, with a few work-related subjects — Back in my day, we didn’t have Zoom. In fact, we didn’t have any meetings and life was perfect!

Joyous Friday to you and yours,


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