Be the most embarrassing one in the room

Create psychologically safe spaces

Every year we onboard a new Fellow at my office. This person is tasked with working with 20-30 of our highest-performing student leaders. I task the Fellow with one responsibility at all the student gatherings:

Be the most embarassing one in the room

turn up dancing GIF by You're The Worst

Nothing breaks down people’s walls quite like knowing they won’t be singled out. When you immediately own the 'embarrassing' title, you are beginning to create a psychologically safe space for others. People will feel comfortable speaking and being themselves.

Actionable steps for you:

  • Always be the first person to ask a question during any event’s Q&A portion

    • Especially if it’s a ‘dumb’ question as others are thinking it too

  • Go up to people who are alone at an event and introduce yourself. Everyone knows they have to be ‘networking’ and they will appreciate you doing the hard part.