Skill used by sales, writers, and teachers

Vote on your favorite logo below

🚨 Poll: make sure you scroll to the bottom and vote on my new logo!

I posted the below question to the improv subreddit.

I wondered how many other improvisers would share their experience using improv tools at work.

17 people responded. A few identified themselves as salespeople, technical writers, and high school teachers.

If they all use improv, you can too! Sharing my three favorite responses below:


  • Listening Skills: Five (almost one-third) of the comments mentioned this.

    • While stand-up comedy is very independent, improv is a team sport. Listening is key to success at work.

    • Cue your boss saying: “Do what I mean, not what I say.”


  • Creating engaging lessons and presentations.

    • Teachers are essentially giving an 8-hour keynote, every day. Using improv allows them to better adapt content to their ever-changing audience of students.


  • Better presenter & speaker: Obviously.

  • Body language: Listening is not just hearing, but watching and understanding the person opposite you.

  • Less of a perfectionist: I was SO glad someone wrote this. In improv ‘your first thought is the right thought.’ You must go before you are ready.

    • Do not let perfection be the enemy of progress.

Honorable comedic mention:

I am on vacation this week and wanted to revamp the logo. I want your thoughts 🙏 

POLL: Which logo do you prefer?

You can add feedback after choosing an option 👇🏽

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Feel free to reply to this email with any logo feedback too.

Homework: Make sure you get out to a body of water this weekend.


Homer Simpson Swimming GIF