🚧 Improv @ Home? 🚧

Maybe don't open this email at work... πŸ™ˆ

Edition 30

I started this newsletter to help tackle one huge problem - the lack of human connection in increasingly digital spaces.

Work is an easy use-case, but improv also plays a significant role in my personal life -

out in the real world 😱 

I want to share a new project with you all. One to play with your friends.

Fun Fact: The very first post on this newsletter 11 months ago was originally just about this game. Let’s get into it.

Fair warning - this is a super inappropriate game!

🚧 proceed with caution 🚧

The game is called: S*x With Me Is Like (SWMIL).

SWMIL has been played in improv theaters for decades.

It is now coming to your home for the very first time.

SWMIL is a silly game that takes something we all struggle with – making real connections – and turn it into a hilarious shared experience. 

I've seen improv transform rooms full of awkward strangers into lifelong friends

After hundreds of improv shows and countless game nights,

I know this works.

This isn't another party game – it's every funny conversation you've had with your closest friends, packed into a deck of cards.

Back me now, and let's make genuine connection a little less scary and a lot more fun.

Appropriate for

βœ… Friends & Family

❌ Colleagues

🚧 Strangers

πŸ•°οΈ Time to play

10+ minutes

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦ Group size

Best for: 4+ people